
Contracts terminated:

2012.10.15 – Zakończenie prac remontowych peronu nr 2 o długości 296,10 m na stacji Pobiedziska w km 21,795 linii kolejowej nr 353 Poznań Wschód – Skandawa wykonywanych na zlecenie PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. BETONOX Construction wykonała rozbiórkę obu krawędzi peronu, wzmocnienie zbrojenia, odtworzenie obu krawędzi wraz z izolacją oraz malowaniem, a także ułożyła nową nawierzchnię peronu z betonowych płyt chodnikowych.

2012.10.01 – Podpisanie protokołu odbioru końcowego robót żelbetowych wykonanych przez BETONOX Construction na zlecenie ERBUD S.A. na budowie Centrum Handlowego Auchan Bronowice w Krakowie.

2012.09.28 – BETONOX Construction zakończył remont rampy wysokiej dwukrawędziowej na stacji Werchrata w km 72,937 linii kolejowej nr 101 Munia – Hrebenne wykonywanej na zlecenie PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. Zadanie inwestycyjne polegało na rozbiórce nawierzchni oraz ścianek krawędzi rampy, wykonaniu nowych ścianek i przywróceniu nawierzchni rampy wraz z podbudową i wykonaniem jej drenażu.

2012.08.31 – The ending of the repair works of the disposing control rooms Jasło Niegłowice and Jasło Towarowe made on behalf of PKP Polish Railway Lines SA. Within the investment project complex building modernization works were made, consisting of renovation of the control room and the roof and facade renovation.

2012.07.02 – BETONOX Construction completed the ferroconcrete works in the implementation of the Investment Gallery of Commerce, Service and Fun “Three Crowns” [“Trzy Korony”] in Nowy Sącz. The works consisted of a comprehensive performance slab with GRACE water barrier technology and monolithic part of the ferroconcrete structures of the Gallery.

2012.02.10 – The end of Stage I of the work on the implementation “Improving access to the railway line through the reconstruction of some elements of railway infrastructure sections 106 Rzeszów – Jasło in range of RPOWP for 2007-2012″. Within the investment project comprehensive works were made on the modernization and renovation of the control room at the train station in the town of Czudec and bulding and sanitary works on platforms in Czudec, Boguchwał, Rzeszów Staroniwa, Rzeszów Osiedle and Rzeszow Zwięczyca consisting of demolition of the old platforms and instalation of the platforms’ walls and laying platforms’ boards and pavement of cobblestones on the platforms and access passages, including the construction of drainage line and a small architecture.

2012.01.20 – BETONOX Construction ended its involvement in the execution of works on the LG Electronics investment in Biskupice Górne near Wrocław.

2011.12.30 – Completion of works on the reconstruction and modernization of the platforms on line 203 over the distance of Tczew – Kostrzyn on the railway station Gorzów Wielkopolski. BETONOX Construction performed comprehensive modernization of the two-edge platform No. 1 located on the engineering site – the flyover in Gorzów Wielkopolski. The work consisted of the demolition of the old platform, the performance of the new platform by setting up new walls and the platforms’ plates and laying the platforms’ edges along with the implementation of the road paving and drainage line and a small architecture, as well as reparation and superstructure of the engineering facility – the flyover, including the construction of the necessary isolation. In addition, a newly made glass elevator for the disabled was set up.

2011.11.30 – Completion of works on the reconstruction and modernization of the platforms on line 203 over the distance Tczew – Kostrzyn on the railway station Kostrzyn nad Odrą. BETONOX Construction made comprehensive modernization with the necessary repairs and bridge superstructures of one edge of the platform No. 1 and two-edge platform No. 2 located on and engineering object – the railway viaduct in Kostrzyn nad Odrą.

2011.04.30 – Completion of works at the implementation of “Reconstruction and expansion of the Shopping and Entertainment Center Silesia City Center” in Katowice. BETONOX Construction performed comprehensive ferroconcrete works of the monolithic construction of the building.